Saturday, June 26, 2021

Is the horror community in trouble?

A Very hearty and warm welcome BACK (from the demented ashes) that was once this glorious little neck of the interwebs known as Distorted Memories. I've clearly missed the hell out of you fiends, it's been an extremely rough seven (SEVEN-HOLY SHIT MAN!) years since we last touched base, but i'll keep my pre pandemic family health emergieces, moves, and close calls to myself for now, and i truly hope that all of you are doing well in this new crazy world we live in - absoutlety no poliictical commentary here. So now that the boring re-introduction is out of the way, lets start by disscuing the plague from hell, and NO my friends i'm not talkin' about the 'rona, what i'm talking about is far, far more frightening and worse than a twenty-five cent taco on taco tuesdays, it's(are you ready?...). Hollywood's inane ability to create new magice, new ideas, and they keep remaking, reimaginging the classics and absoutely taking a major dump on our beloved monsters from yester year, unless that is you liked the remake of IT, Pet Semetery, Godzilla Vs King Kong, Cabin Fever, Jacob's Ladder, to name but a few. Some are obviously good, a few are even great, but the majority are tailiored towards the younger generation who have very little to no knoweglegde of the original film\source material, and that my friends is tragic, we as the edler statesmen have to teach our younger horror fans that these films exsited decades before, were based on comics, short-stories,books, legends, and aren't merely Social Media era flash in the pan films to forget about next week.